Voicereel Intensive (Autumn Term)

Are you ready to embark on a captivating audio work journey? Join our affordable six-week course led by seasoned voice professional Jay O’Connell. This transformative experience is tailored to equip you with the essential skills and insights needed to thrive in the dynamic field of audio performance.

Course Highlights:

Discover your unique voice and brand in the competitive world of audio work through sessions on:

Session one: Commercials

Session two: Docustyle or Animation

Session three: Monologue or Audiobook

Session four: Recording Session 1

Session five: Recording Session 2

Session six: Recording session 3



Course Location

Collective Acting Studio

Collective Acting Studio, The Laundry, Hornsey Road Baths Tiltman Place London N7 7EE


Every Wednesday Evening, 7.00 – 9.00pm

Sept 18th to Oct 23rd



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